Thread: Wilt
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Old 05-21-2007, 08:02 AM   #1004
Smart Aleck
Woah! Look at that ZIT!... PSYCHE!  
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Black Country
Posts: 299

Wow, this thread is HOPPIN'! ....

It's a nasty thing to say, but I LOVE it when he either gets angry or scared. His reactions to the Cannibal Ghost thing in 'Blooooooo' (especially that 'Hum-a-na hum-a-na hum-a-na') basically had me fits of laughter. The ways he just explodes like in 'Where There's a Wilt there's a Way' and 'Bus the two of us' is even better. When ever I watch 'Bus the two of us' on my DVR I just sit there for a least (or until my Mum comes in and tells me that she's not watching THIS rubbish and I need to turn it off) an hour watching him shouting down the phone over and over again. I find it quite hilairious.
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