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Old 05-15-2007, 09:30 AM   #422
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I have relatives who live there and I spent like a week or so there last year. While it is a great place to see far as sights go, I could never last there, just way too damn hot.

My room in my house is located in the upper floor and it's always hotter in the upper areas then lower areas. What's worse is the fact my fan doesn't do jack to cool me off and it has to be on full blast just to make any kind of affect.

To me, intense searing heat is only good for one thing: making pool water feel nice. Otherwise I can't stand it. Cars become ovens and you end up leaning into your full blast air conditioning just to feel better.
egh, the Impala's got leather seats. Nasty in the 80+ degree heat.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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