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Old 09-04-2006, 07:36 PM   #18
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by DoubleLatte View Post
That's what keeps getting to me. I read on MSNBC that he was actually swimming on top of the stingray. What do you expect from that? He's actually been called on a few times for getting too close to the animals. I guess it was only a matter of time (and an extreme case of bad luck) before something finally happened to him.
Yeah, he was crazy for even doing what he did, but I loved watching the guy. Now I'm wondering what I'll be watching on Animal Planet. It's definitely an immense loss for both the animal world and ours.

I agree with Mr. Marshmallow; At least the man died doing what he was passionate about.
I was told he didn't know that the ray was under him. Oh and you'll be watching reruns of him getting attacked and they caught the attack on tape which was kind of a wish he had long before it happened.
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