Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
The heat, summer heat to be exact.
I personally can tolerate cold much better then I can heat and I tell you, there's nothing in the world that makes me feel worse then when it gets really hot. You get sweaty, sticky, tired, and you feel dirty all over.
Plus you can open all the windows you want and turn on all the fans you like but that really doesn't do alot in the end unless there's a breeze and usually there isn't. And most cases the breeze is blowing hot air your way anyway.
Funny you should bring that up,
My uncle was trying to convice me last week, to relocate down to Florida. he came up and visited for a day last month and I gave him almost the same reson you pointed out above.
I used to live just outside NYC and I could not stand the Summer Heat. It did not last long, like in DC, but it would get horrible for at least 1-2 weeks each year. My wife walked 5 blocks to the library a few years ago back outside NYC, and she melted into a puddle by the time she got there. being on top of the Long Island sound makes the heat very humid and at times unbarable.