Thread: Not Larry Nice
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Old 05-08-2007, 02:04 AM   #8
Foster's Legend
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40% pretention, 60% insecurity, 0% brains  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The only place more isolated than Iceland. New Zealand
Posts: 547

Well, thanks for the comments. I advise anyone who reads and enjoys my fic to tell me so, it encourages me to add more chapters quicker.(yeah, fishing for compliments is one of my favourite passtimes). Now, for more fanfic!

Chapter Three: Barbeque

The air sizzled on the hot summers day. It was perfect weather for the barbeque that was going on. Mr Herriman manned (or rabbited) the grill wearing his traditional garb along with an apron with the words "Grill the Chef" on it.

"I say, this barbeque was a capital idea, Master Mac. One does enjoy getting out in the fresh air in this weather." Mr Herriman commented. "Oh, yeah. I get the feeling this is gonna be a great day" replied Mac, who turned to Bloo, who was scarfing down hot dogs and had about five in his arms. "Come on, Bloo, we gotta go." Mac told Bloo, who ate the remaining hot dogs in one gulp and then made to follow Mac, who was walking off to find Wilt. "Now, you remember the plan?" asked Mac. "Like the back of my hand." replied Bloo, confidently. "You don't have hands" Mr Herriman heard Mac say, as the two went out of hearing range. Coco approached and put up a foot with a hot dog bun in it. "Miss Coco," stated Mr Herriman "you cannot expect me to serve you food, knowing you will be holding it with your feet. It's filthy."
"Cocococococo cocococo." replied Coco. "Ah, well, if you put it that way, then yes, by all means" Mr Herriman acqueised, and served her up a dog.

"C'mon Wilt. Bloo, Coco and I are gonna be sitting over here." Mac said, as he dragged Wilt by the arm to a picnic bench. "Okay, mac, whatever you say." replied Wilt. "Okay, I'm gonna go get you something to eat. Stay right there." said Mac, once Wilt was standing around the bench. "Oh, no, you don't have to" said Wilt, making to walk over to the grill himself. "No, no, I INSIST." growled Mac, as he tried to shove Wilt back towards the bench. "Well, okay, thanks, Mac!" Shouted Wilt, as Mac ran off.

"-And only the cooooolest imaginary friends get to sit on THIS bench. That's why I'm gonna be there." assured Bloo of Foul Larry, who he was dragging to the same picnic table as Wilt. "Nowstayrightthereanddon'tmove!" He blurted out once Larry had made it, while he ran off to join Mac and Eduardo.

"Okay, the sour ball is in the pinata, repeat, the sour ball is in the piniata." Bloo stated as soon as he reached Mac and Ed. "Bloo, I'm right here, and we aren't using code." Mac said in response. "You ready, Ed?"
"You sure I no get cancer?"
"No, that was just a dumb rumour, now go! Before they get into a fight!"

" seen the game last night?"
"Yeah, that ref was way out of line. That weren't no trippin'."
"Oh, you WOULD say that, you big cheater!"
"Oh, yeah, well, at least I win games!"
"Well at least I have freinds!"
"At least I have two arms!"
"I'm sorry, you did NOT just go there!"
At this point, Eduardo interposed himself between the two arguing friends (having just arrived on the scene) and put his hands in the air. "Hold up, hooold up. Now everybody just calm down. Now I see you is mad at each other, but you know what might help? If we talk about our feeeelings. Okay, you first, Senor Wilt."
"Well, okay." said Wilt, stunned, and obviously not used to being asked how he feels. "I was just saying how Larry here is a jerk, and a cheater, and that makes me feel mad."
"Okay, now Senor Larry, how you feel?"
"Well, I was just trying to have a polite conversation, and then he goes and brings up all this stuff from the past. Why you gotta be bringin' up old stuff?"
"I'm sorry, but you permanantly broke my arm and eye! I had to have the arm amputated! And THEN you teased me about it!"
"Well, if you weren't such a baby about it-"
"Well, if you weren't such a jacka-"
"Now, now, Wilt, you get your turn." Eduardo vainly tried to control the situation, but it was getting too far out of hand.
"Kid crusher!"
"Rabbit beater!"
"You know WHAT?!" Wilt erupted "forget this. I'm just gonna go and have a nice barbeque with my FRIENDS. Come on, Eduardo." . And he stomped off, Eduardo trailing sadly behind.

Mac and Bloo, who were watching from afar, turned to face each other. "So, you think it worked? I can't lip read." Bloo asked. "No, Bloo, it went horribly." Mac answered, and lay down dejectedly on the grass. "Man, if this doesn't work, then what will?" The two sat there for a moment.
"Well, duh!" Exclaimed Bloo. "We live in a house with HUNDREDS of creatures who were DESIGNED to be friendly! One of them's bound to know how to make those two friends!"

Cut to Duchess's room, with Duchess's head sticking out the door, and Mac and Bloo standing out front. "Go away." Duchess snorted, and slammed the door in their faces. "Okay, that first one doesn't count." noted Bloo.
Unconscious like a fox!
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