Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
You know what the really sad thing is? Frankie got into this mess by helping someone, Cheese. She took the time to stop the bus and pick him up because she was worried he might get hurt running around screaming on his own.
It bothers me that she actually did, in retrospect, the RIGHT thing by trying to help someone and instead, she gets hammered and torn apart by the movie theater people, the doctors, the post office people, etc.
You know there's a reason chivalry is dead, it's because the decent, honest people who go out of their way to help people get trampled on so much they end up killing themselves  .
Sorry, little over dramatic I know.
Over dramatic? Eh, I don't know. It's true what you said about chivalry though, which doesn't say much about today's society.
That may be why Frankie's bad day isn't bothering me as much as it otherwise might. It wasn't directed at her personally; it's just how people are, and it was spread out over more than one encounter. Goofball's actions were a lot more personal and uncaring. True, she had a bad day in CAGG, but I think from her point of view it was likely more exaspirating than upsetting, whereas the reverse was the case in
Imposter's. After she got back to Foster's, I like to think she soaked in a hot tub for an hour or two, went to bed, and forgot all about Cheese.