Thread: Not Larry Nice
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Old 05-03-2007, 01:13 AM   #1
Foster's Legend
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Default Not Larry Nice

Well, I put it out there for opinions, and the first two were positive, and I've been hankerin' to get into this "fanfic" thing myself, so here we are. My first of what I hope to be many Fosters fanfics, "Not Larry Nice" (yeah, I still haven't worked out a better name than the working title, so that's it.)

Now, I have some semi-inflammatory opinions on Fosters fanfic, which I'll keep to myself, but I think that I'm just as bad as the worst fanfic writer if I'm just complaining (even if it IS just in my head) and not doing anything to improve the overall quality of Fosters fanfics, so I'm glad to finally be getting this done. Hopefully I'll live up to my own expectations and keep in the Fosters spirit. So, enough jabbin', time for the fic!

Chapter 1: In the way

It was an ordinary day at Fosters (ooh, BTW, look up Fosters Ordinary day on Youtube.Okay, back on topic). The sun was shining through the inordinately long windows, imaginary friends were wandering the halls at random, as they are wont to do in all those intro scenes. Good day.

In the kitchen, Jackie Khones was trying to reach a box of cereal in the pantry, but being rather vertically challenged, was having a difficult time of it. "Hey, Wilt," he asked of the very tall, red, imaginary friend walking past, "mind giving me a hand here?"

"Sure thing." Wilt replied with a smile, and reached his one arm up and got the box down for him. "Thanks Wilt."
"No problem."

Wilt then reached over pulled up a stool at the kitchen table for another friend. "Get your chair for you?"
"Thanks Wilt"

As Wilt made to move along, Bloo and Mac came walking in. "Hey, Wilt!" exclaimed Bloo, "Just the figment I was lookin' for. See, Mac and I were playing with the Whizbee and I said I could throw it higher than Mac, and he said no, I couldn't and I was all like: I so can! And he-"
"Bloo!" Interjected Mac, whose patience was running out.
"I'm gettin' there, keep your shirt on. So I found this big ol' inner tube and I said I could throw it farther with this, and Mac said it wasn't a good idea, but I-"
"You did it anyway?" Wilt supplied.
"I did it anyway! And MAN did that thing fly! It hit the gazeebo, bounced of the big oak tree, ricocheted off'a the extremasaur cage, and landed right on the flagpole on the very top of the house!"
"And you were wondering if I could get it down for you." Said Wilt.
"Couldja? I'd get Mac to, but he's so darn slow, I'd be waiting 'till next August"
"Well, sure!" replied Wilt, "Anything for a friend!"

Just then, with a THUMP! THUMP! another friend entered the kitchen. He was 12 feet tall, orange, with a green and white basketball uniform on. Number zero. And he had a mean scowl on his basketball shaped head. He walked past Wilt and, on the way, accidentally slammed Bloo into the nearby kitchen wall!

"Watch where you're goin', pipsqueak."

There was silence. A frown formed on Wilt's normally smiling face. His one working eye narrowed with anger. "I'm sorry, Larry, but that is not OK!"

All the freinds in the room (and Mac) watched as Larry turned to face Wilt. "You wanna make something of it? Shorty?"

"What if I do?"
"Bring it on, little man."

Just when the two friends seemed on the verge of physical violence, the silence was interrupted by a ka-thump! ka-thump! ka-thump! And a very stern looking Mr Herriman entrered the room. "I say! What is going on here? Master Wilt, Master Larry, break this up immediately! Why, you should be ashamed!"

At this, both friends reluctantly went their seperate ways. "And I should expect better of you both in the future!" Mr Herriman called out after them.
"Man, ever since Foul Larry moved in, he and Wilt have been at each other's throats", noted Mac. "Wow, that would be an AWESOME fight!" Remarked Bloo. "We don't want them to fight, Bloo! We want them to be friends! I hate seeing Wilt so mad." said Mac, sadly. "Well, I'm going to do something about it!" He exclaimed.

"Before or after we get the whizbee down?" asked Bloo.
Unconscious like a fox!
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