Thread: Terrence
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Old 04-28-2007, 01:10 AM   #42
Foster's Legend
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Wow, I'm surprised noone else has posted much on Terrence's strong points.

For one, he created Red. In much the same way that Mac made Bloo to represent the repressed selfichness and irrationality inside him (A popular theory I subscribe to), I think Terrence made Red to represent the feminine side Terrence is ashamed of (I'm trying to watch my stories-uhhhhh....I gotta go hit something!").

Also, I never saw the pilot 'till after getting hooked on Fosters, so before I did, I thought he was just a dumb jerk, but in the pilot, one instance intrigued me. It was when Mac's awesome plan was being played out to destroy the Extremeasaur, and Duchess's and Terrence's plan was falling down around their ears. Duchess says "Don't just stand there, do something!", to which Terrence replies "Shut up! I'm watching this!". This shows, to me, that he's more interested in seeing cool stuff than being a jerk to Mac, so there's hope for him.

I kinda (futilely) hope that Terrence renounces his evil ways and joins the group in the same way as Goo. His stupidity and differing tastes from the Fosters Five would still make him generate enough plot to stop him being superfluous in this situation. I just think It's be cool, probably 'cause Terrence's tastes in cool stuff and his dislike of some of the more childish stuff makes him more relatable to me.

After all, Extremasaur fighting circut? Awesome! If you could work around the cruelty expressed there.
Unconscious like a fox!
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