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Old 04-27-2007, 05:52 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Divelucaya View Post
But why would only type piece of junk be affected. The magnets and spiders move fine and never get stuck. It is only the hopping junk that gets stuck and only on that one platform. It's gotta be something other than CPU related lag in my opinion. But I will try the game on another computer to see if it happens again.
I have played Game 2 at least 15 times, over the past 2 weeks. and I have never experienced the same issue you described.

But I have had CPU lag at times. Usually the game runs smooth despite the high CPU load. however I have had other minigames do funny things for no reason. for example I fell through the floor of the All washup game. I fell off the board of both Go goo go and balloon attack. these were not CPU related glitches but they were syncronization issues.

either way hopefully you can solve the problem. you did not say wether the game was choppy or very smooth. if it is choppy you may be able to get past the issue by reducing your running processes. Most Windows machines should have about 10-15 processes running, When the machine is optimized and only running neccisary things. I usually have over 60 processes running, because I am too lazy to optimize unless I want to play a newer game like Half Life2 Episode 1.

either way good luck hopefully using a different machine, or a different browser helps.

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