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Old 04-27-2007, 08:18 AM   #1
Settling In
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Default When Junk Attacks Glitch

Is anyone else having a problem with the 2nd level of When Junk Attacks? When the hopping junk pieces fall from the top platform to the next platform down they get stuck and don't move. When they are in the middle of this plaform you can't jump up underneath them because it is too high from the ground level. I had three of the hoppers get stuck in the middle of the second platform (from the top) and there was nothing I could do. Sometimes an Eduardo thingy pops up and I can use that to flip over the hoppers, or a tire (invincibility) thingy. Otherwise you just run out of time or one of the bombs get you. It is really exasperating because I can't get higher than 2300 points. And this problem is only for the hoppers landing on the 2nd platform. There is also a couple times where I killed a magnet, but instead of disappearing, it started floating around the junkyard. I have not had any problems with any other game, just this one.
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