Thread: Frankie
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Old 04-24-2007, 08:15 AM   #1490
Foster's Legend
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Originally Posted by vinny View Post
no, you are the one misunderstanding. Frankie is a "character" [like i said before] that is only used when needed. why cant you accept this?
I would agree with vinny, (post#1480)

all the characters at fosters play a role, in the show. But they are only characters, and each has a part when the writers want them to. None of them are real in any way. It says that right in the title of the show "Imaginary Friends"

The primary characters as we know are Bloo, Mac, Ed, and Wilt. I hesitate to say Coco because I feel she has been treated as a secondary character, kind of like Buckwheat, ALways there but usually never given the focus. As for all the other characters, each is used in an 'as need basis'. in fact I thought they almost completely forgot about Terrence (who played such a large role in the pilot and seeing red) until the Infernal Slumber.(was that the sleepover title?)

Fosters has a miriade of characters that are used regularly to list many: Terrance, Dutchess, Goo, Cheese, Mr. H, Madam Foster. (and Mac, bloo, Ed, and Wilt, CoCo) Each of the crew is used as the eppisode writer feels fit. yes in hindsight some choices are debatable however it is a large cast to include in a half hour eppisode. Personally I like Frankie but I would not be interested in watching a Frankie Spin Off, While I may be interested in a Cheese&CoCo Spin-off. (That would be a Chaotic Show.

Sorry if I went off topic.

Last edited by montitech; 04-24-2007 at 08:20 AM. Reason: Missed a page of postes. This thread moves Fast, blink and its two pages latter.
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