Thread: Frankie
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:57 PM   #1473
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I understand that Vox doesn't actually want the show to be all about Frankie, etc; the problem is he doesn't come off that way. I do have issues about the way he reacts to other people having their own opinions, but I'll be honest, I don't believe he will ever be able to stop doing that.

I do want everyone to remember that it is not *necessary* for any one character to only have *one* discussion thread (especially a super popular character). If anyone wants to branch this thread off into say, a slightly more specific Frankie discussion, they're encouraged to do so. After all, this one has become largely a Frankie-worship thread (sorry, I'm using the term loosely, I'm not poking fun at anyone, but I guess you know what I mean, right?), which makes it awkward whenever someone wants to talk about something else in regards to Frankie.

It *is* okay for people to have a two-sided conversation on this forum, and I'll back up anyone who wants to do it. I'd start a new thread myself, but...I don't have anything specific to say, and I'd be breaking one of my own rules.
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