Thread: Frankie
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:48 PM   #1472
Mr. Marshmallow
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Originally Posted by vinny View Post
thats cus Frankie is only used when she is *needed*. Voxxen, foster's is *not* about "Frankie", please try to understand that. i wish it was all about Mac, and you want it all about Frankie, but it doesnt work like that.
I don't believe Vox is asking for it to be all about Frankie Vinny and I think your misinterpreting the message here. Frankie is a character and not something to use when needed, she is a walking, talking, feeling, and affecting character just like anyone else in the show like Mr. Herriman or Madame Foster.

Vox (I assume) and myself are not asking Frankie to be ALL about her, but just to give her a little more of a taste of the spotlight. The creators of the show clearly don't have a problem with giving Frankie more center air time, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered pouring the money and resources into her episodes.

"Setting a president" and "Frankie my dear" cost money to make and they wouldn't make those episodes unless they felt Frankie needed some more screen time. The show doesn't have to be focused on one person just to give someone more elbow room to grow and develop as a character.

Furthermore, because Frankie lives IN the house, she's already integrated into the show on an important level considering the show focuses on the house. The show doesn't have to be all about Frankie or Mac or Bloo or anyone all the time, but a few more character centered episodes won't hurt anyone.
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