Wow, a thread that turned into an ARGUMENT. I'm sorry, but y'all need to calm down a little. The show is NOT centered on ONE character, no matter how many episodes they're in; it's about MANY characters. Ever see a Socket-Tubey-centric episode? Or Jackie Khones? How about Creeky Pete? Well? Even if they're not major characters, they still are characters. And there's only a certain amount of characters the staff can place into an episode. Not all characters have a large (or small) part in all episodes all the time. Exception is Bloo, not even Mac, since there was at least one time where Mac didn't have a large role in an episode. (In Room with a Feud he didn't come in until the last part of the second act)
Therefore, we shouldn't be arguing about who has more episodes, CG is right; it takes the fun out of the show. So what if a certain character doesn't have a big role? They will someday. What's a character without at least ONE little role? One that never appears?
Think about it - is text arguing really worth it? What's a forum with people who can't accept differences? Vinny has opinions, CG has opinions, Voxxyn has opinions, ORD has opinions, EVERYONE has opinions, and each of them are of different views. Like them or not, they will not change for a dime.
This argument needs to stop, please. This forum was most likely not built to text fight, but to express ideas and opinions and whatnot. Even if I don't usually go to this thread, I'd hate it to be closed down because of arguing. Now let us move this behind us and move on, okay?