Originally Posted by Voxxyn
Thank you, Cass.
Logic and emotion are two different things. Logically, I do understand the point that people are trying to make about an adult's potential for spotlight episodes on a children's show. That doesn't mean it won't upset me emotionally. I love Frankie dearly; she means the world to me. I don't care what the poster's intent is, it hurts me personally to read about how Frankie "won't get any spotlight episodes at all".
Is it wrong to want to see Frankie get the spotlight? 
You misunderstand; no one said they don't
want Frankie to get any episodes about her, just that if she didn't, that would probably be why.
But I would have to disagree with vin in that... well, Frankie is a
part of Foster's, and the fact that there are episodes about characters other than Mac and Bloo makes that point.... um, not a point, I guess. Foster's isn't a living entity, it's comprised of many different characters that are all equally important.