Originally Posted by vinny
if i have to be the one to tell you, i will.
the show is about an 8-year-old boy [mac] and his imaginary friend [bloo]. frankie is a ordinary character actally, it doesnt matter that she's an adalt, its the fact that the show isnt about "frankie" its about foster's, thats why frankie doesnt have, or ever will have, a show all about her.
Well, that was harsh. Voxxyn is right; they did a movie about Wilt, and did it well; they can certainly do the same for Frankie, of that I have no doubt whatsoever, and I believe that someday they will. How could they not? There are so many unanswered questions about her, a movie seems to me to be the ideal way to answer at least some of them. Yes, the show is mostly about Mac and Bloo, but does that make her unimportant or inconsequential? I think not. She enjoys a great deal of popularity among older viewers - this thread is a wonderful testament to that fact - and I'm sure CN is aware of that fact. The show is an ensemble; every character should have his or her turn in the spotlight now and then, Frankie included. She has a lot of versatility and they can do so much with her; I look forward to seeing what Craig and co. come up with for her, and for the rest of the cast, too.
By the way, her name is spelled with a capital F, not a lower-case f. Same deal with Mac and Bloo. Show some respect.