Once again, I don't really think that Frankie's going to get any episodes that's completely about her for the following reason.
Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends is a cartoon more or less aimed at children. Children find the adventures of Bloo and the rest of the imaginaries (with Mac and Goo along for the ride sometimes) far more enjoyable and entertaining to watch rather then see just what Frankie does in a day. I mean, Frankie is the 'Mom' of this show, you gotta see that. She cooks, she cleans, she scolds, she's basically the adult in the show. And little kids really don't wanna see an episode totally about the 'Mom' character. Doesn't mean she can't be a part of the show, heck no, she's quite a valuable resource in the show's integrity but she just doesn't 'sell' to the younger viewers.
At least, that's why I think she won't have a lot of episodes to herself.
Or a movie, for that matter. But that's just one little co-admin's opinion.