*When the skinny girls at school complain about being fat.
*When people comment on my pimples
*This one girl I know, Donna, whom I cannot stand is in my homeroom and math class. Anytime I would be her partner in math, the whole time I would be trying to do my paper she'd be talking, and I can't concentrate when someone is talking to me while I'm doing my work. And she'd never do her work, she'd always copy off my paper because she's too lazy. As a matter of fact she NEVER does her work in any class and then gets mad cause she gets F's on her report cards. And when she talks she always talks about how her little brother stabbed her in the arm or how her sister smacked her this morning or that her sister in-law got married and she hates her, and Donna never talks about any good stuff. She always complains. And for some reason she thinks I'm her friend when I never made any notion of being her friend what... so... ever...
*When people make fun of the homos, the poor, the alternatives, the chunky kids (especially girls), ect...
*When people steriotype the homos, the poor, the alternatives, and the chunky kids. It's like, if you got pimples you're "not" pretty enough. If you're poor then it's just hilllaaarrrooouusss. If you're alternative, you "worship the devil and want to kill yourself". And if you're chunky you get poked in the back, like by a guy I know named Shinky, and he looks at the other guy and says "Jello!".
My babies --  (well he is number 1, dang it!).
 He's cool, I mean c'moooooooooooooooon?
 We ammigo!
 The every kid.
 Best female cartoon ever. There should be more of these ladies.
 Don't underestimate the power of wuv.