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Old 04-21-2007, 05:04 PM   #106
The Postmaster

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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
Oh, how much more disturbing that image would have been if you had the yellow pee puddle hack I use...
Believe me, there are far worse things in the Valley than Bendy's puddle. Once I work out all the details (sometime next year at the rate I'm going), you'll be getting a PM titled, "Uh, can I do this?"

Foster's Valley: Sunday Afternoon, Part Two

As some of you know, the new Seasons Expansion Pack has caused me no end of headaches. Fortunately, it now seems to be running fine. My Sims, however, are probably wishing I'd get rid of it, as it now rains in the Valley quite frequently, as Frankie finds out as she looks out the window:

Not just rain really; it's a thunderstorm, and it's the worst I've seen since installing Seasons. I got Bendy and Mr. Herriman back in the house the moment it started; I've seen what lightning can do to a Sim, and it isn't pretty. Storm or no storm, however, a very important guest is arriving momentarily, so Frankie has to get dinner ready, and tonight it's going to be a turkey:

The important guest is a man known as the Headmaster. If they can impress him enough, Wilt, Bendy, and all the other IF's in the house can put the horrors of the public school system behind them and go to private school... where they'll face the same dang horrors, actually, but they'll get spiffy uniforms to wear. Impressing the Headmaster involves three things, all equally important:

He must be well fed.
He must be given a tour of the house.
He must be schmoozed.

Frankie is handling the first part. So far, so good:

I'll bet that smells pretty good. When late autumn hits the Valley, maybe I'll try to dream up a Thanksgiving story. In the meantime, the concern I have is with the schmoozing part. As you know, Mr. Herriman has a habit of fracking off everyone he meets, and he's the one doing the schmoozing. If he annoys the Headmaster, then the entire scenario will depend on Frankie's cooking skill and the cleanliness of the house. It is very difficult to win the Headmaster Scenario without points in all three. At that point the turkey was done:

I knew she could do it. In the background you can see Mr. Herriman schmoozing the Headmaster, trying desperately to make a good impression for a change. At this point, and I wish I had pics or a video of it, a bolt of lightning slammed into one of the trees in the backyard, setting it on fire. Madam Foster was out of bed in an instant, on the phone and calling the fire department, but fortunately the rain was hard enough to extinguish the blaze without them needing to come by. It was a very bad storm, the worst I've seen since installing Seasons, and it picked the worst lot and worst possible time to occur. I don't have pics because I was distracted by another event entirely; by the stars, it was a busy night at the house. Anyway, dinner was served:

The Headmaster is the gentleman sitting across from Wilt. Dinner was the final event of the evening. Frankie and Mr. Herriman have to score at least 90 points total to win the Headmaster Scenario. They've done everything they can to get a better education for the Imaginary Friends. Did they succeed? Was the Headmaster sufficiently impressed with the house, with Frankie's cooking, with Mr. Herriman's schmoozing?

They got the highest scores I've ever seen in all three areas. Frankie looks pretty happy as she cleans up:

As well she should, for tonight all her cooking and cleaning have secured the future for the people she takes care of. And in playing the Headmaster Scenario, Mr. Herriman finally found someone who genuinely likes him, in the form of the cranky old Headmaster of the Foster's Valley Private school. Looks like a win for everybody to me.

"There, you see, Miss Francis? We can work together when we need to."
"Your fly's undone."


"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 04-23-2007 at 09:49 PM. Reason: Corrected spelling error.
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