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Old 04-21-2007, 02:00 PM   #102
The Postmaster

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My thanks to all who commented. Always nice to know that one's work is appreciated.

Foster's Valley: Sunday Afternoon, Part One

Here's a scene I'll bet we never see in the show:

Mr. Herriman in the backyard, playing fetch with Woof. Who'd've thought it possible? After what happened in Who Let The Dogs In? you'd think he'd rather spend time having tea with Duchess, but apparently Woof won him over. It's not too surprising, really; Woof is a very friendly, eager-to-please dog who loves spending time with people. He is also a very messy animal that rolls around in whatever filth he can find, fouls every room he enters, and hides at the merest mention of the word "bath". Fine for Mr. Herriman, who enjoys cleaning; for the lady who does most of the housework, not so good.

Coco and Wilt in the living room:

Here Wilt is telling Coco a dirty joke of some sort. Not exactly in character for him, but then again the game can only replicate their personalities to a certain extent. Coco enjoyed it, by the way. The two of them get along surprisingly well, considering how little they seem to have in common. They certainly get along better than Eduardo and Bendy:

I'm not exactly sure what happened here. Within the game system, it's a failed social interaction; I'm taking it to mean that Eduardo reminded Bendy that important company was dropping by that evening so he ought to pitch in and make the house look respectable, and Bendy responded with an obscene gesture and said "Respect this, dorkface!", or something equally rude. They parted in a huff, Eduardo going upstairs to call some girl with blue hair he's very fond of, while Bendy went outside and did something with the bushes that he'd seen Woof do. In the meantime, Madam Foster read Little Red Riding Hood to Berry:

At this point in the story, Berry turned to Mr. Herriman and said, "I don't think wolves really eat children, otherwise Bendy'd be in real trouble right now!" Confused, Mr. Herriman looked out the back window, and this is what he saw:

Yep, that's a wolf, staring at Bendy as he splashes in a puddle of his own making. The wolf circled around, astonished by this behaviour, and was soon joined by a second wolf:

Both wolves looked at each other, and you could almost hear them saying, "What's wrong with this kid?" They shook their heads and wandered around to the front yard. According to the game book, wolves are filthy beasts, and naturally Mr. Herriman won't stand for them being on the property, particularly not on a day when important company is dropping by later, so he confronts them:

And he manages to find a new form of life to irritate. Berry finds all this excitement to be tiring, so she opts for an afternoon nap:

And this is where I have to pause, because vBulletin limits the number of images and the amount of text that I can put in one post. More to come shortly...

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 04-21-2007 at 02:03 PM.
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