I'm not really big into the whole astrology thing, since too many people I've known have had very little in common with what the signs "say" they should be like. The person I knew who was most like Wilt, in virtually every way, was an Aries, but another person I new really well, who was also an Aries, was the exact opposite, more like Bloo than Wilt. I tend to go more by personality types and think in those terms.
The situation with Wilt and Jordan, and who influenced whom the most, is rather odd, since even though Jordan created Wilt, he himself admits that WILT influenced HIM, and how he thinks and acts even now as an adult, than the other way around. It's kinda like that odd novelty Country song from many years back, "I''m My Own Grandpa", in that Jordan subconciously kinda created his own "father"!