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Old 09-03-2006, 10:27 AM   #28
Imaginary Light
Princess of Zingapore, Wisconsin
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
My bro and I are officially doing Dib and Gaz for Halloween this year. I already had a dress that will work, and today I picked up the purple wig. I had to order the tights online because I need plus size, but I'll have them by the end of the week. I have to find the grey/black striped top, and I have some shoes that will work. I'm going to make the skull pendant out of fabric, as a pouch to hold my glasses so I can have them off (when I don't *need* them). I have to make Jim's coat, and paint the "face" design onto a blue shirt...oh and we found some great frames for the glasses, though they were sunglasses and I had to pop the lenses out (I might try to make new lenses with clear plexiglass). I'll show you guys pictures as soon as there's something to show.
Hey, I was actually Gaz as Halloween a couple of years ago. I can't wait to see your pictures
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