Thread: April Update
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Old 04-17-2007, 12:57 AM   #6
At Home
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 191

Some advice for the Frozen Frenzy game:

Try to make as many chains of ice creams you can in a row. What I mean by this is if you have a strawberry and chocolate next to it, but below, try to make it so that when you get the 3 strawberries in a row, 3 chocolates will drop down and get the chocolates right after. You'll get a x2 bonus. If you can get a chain of 3 drop, that's even better.

I was able to get the high score by Level 14 or 15 by trying to get as many x2's as I could.

If you don't get what I mean, let me know and I'll pm you a screen shot.
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