Some of this is really upsetting to me, some of it just ticks me off. I leave it to you to figure out which is which.
Telemarketers. Whether for business or charity, it's an unwelcome intrusion.
Being told that my feelings are wrong or don't matter.
Cruelty to animals.
Deceptive nutrition labels.
Neighbor who think it's okay to play loud music after midnight.
Certain types of fanart and fanfics.
Arranged or forced marriages that either one or both parties don't want.
Uninstalling and reinstalling my Sims game, which takes nearly three hours.
Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Episode ideas that are just someone else's movie with the Foster's characters.
Being judged by my appearance.
Long checkout lines with unmanned cash registers nearby.
Reality TV in general, American Idol in particular.
The price of produce.
Hot and humid weather.
Feeling unwanted.
That's all for now.
Last edited by Cassini90125; 04-14-2007 at 08:20 AM.
Reason: Removed typo.