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Old 04-13-2007, 07:09 AM   #103
Foster's Legend
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THe game renews your chores with new onse if and only if all your chores are completed and you are logged off when the game update occures around 12pm EST. (Midnight)

On some occations if you start playing before midnight the game glitches and kicks you out with some error thingy around midnight. and then if you were playing a minigame, the minigame scores would reset.

So if you do not finish your chores in the first day you log on, (ie, you do 2 of the three chores) then you will be stuck with that third chore until it is completed. then you would have to wait till the next game day to get new chores.

Like vicks said, it is best to always keep one Favor spot open. to do this, when you log in, go do the easiest 2 chores, then for the hardest chore finish half of it then call a friend to finish it up. I usually keep 3 friends in my bar allowing me to call a friend each day even if I do not call a friend one day, I can call 2 the next day.

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