This in my opinion was the funniest episode they ever created. It was completely stupid and utterly brilliant at the same time. Who would have thought mere boredom could have made for an entire episode's plot AND be funny?
The Topeka line will probably go down as their best punchline. I personally laughed the hardest when Mac and Bloo first realized they were home alone and just randomly ran around screaming going "BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH".
It was just so weird for Mac to totally flip out and be the one to start screwing around, I also loved his response when he saw Bloo with the piere make up in the bathroom. "What are you doing?"

that was a great reaction.
I too loved the "how do you play with these things", it's such an odd question concerning stuffed toys. Another favorite part of mine is when Mac reads Coco's diary and it just reads Coco, and yet Mac reads it REALLY fast anyway.
The ball scene was great too.
"Play ball in the house?"
*throws ball*