04-07-2007, 07:27 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Lake George
Posts: 1,500
Originally Posted by jekylljuice
I had an Aliens-related dream last night. My friends and I had captured a facehugger and had to go to this library (the inside of which bore an uncanny resemblance to the one located within my old secondary school) to figure out how to dispose of it safely, and then complete several other tasks to prevent Earth from being stormed by a potential xenomorph invasion, though I personally was far more concerned with calling my parents to secure a lift home. Needless to say, we accidentally let the facehugger escape, and all of humankind was doomed. And I never actually got that lift home either, because the next thing I knew I was stuck on a coach heading in completely the wrong direction. Yeah, it was one of those dreams where you never seem to be able to catch a break for long. I have them all the time, unfortunately.
jeez! Call me next time, i'll bring my 12-gauge. 
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?