There is a room toward the "bottom-middle" of the third floor. Think of it as where the staircase is on the 2nd floor. That room is called the Nap Room, and Wilt is in there. There are a few (3?) fans in there. In case you know where the Tea Room is on the 3rd floor, same area the Library is on the 2nd floor, the Nap Room is opposite that.
I believe in the Feb Update and March Update threads someone mentioned where Eduardo is. If you are still working on the new Adventures (which you should be), then Eduardo is in the last room to the left on the 4th floor. He's in the room at the bottom, closest to you. When you finish with all the Adventures within a month's update, then the friends move back to previous areas in the house. But we're all still on March Adventures, so that's where he'll be.