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Old 03-26-2007, 01:23 PM   #7
Executive Weasel Ball
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What really bothers me about such militant organisations and their actions is that a lot people are inevitably going to generalise their hateful outlooks to all folks who feel in any way passionate about animals, their welfare, and the conservation of their natural habitat?.there are plenty of environmentally-conscious people out there who don?t deserve to get lumped in with that crowd.

I care very much about animals and their wellbeing. But I think my cat's perfectly happy living with me. And that the polar bear cub would be perfectly happy living in capivity, handreared by human hands, so long as he was properly cared for.

I tried hand-raising an abandoned baby hedgehog once...sadly, it didn't have a happy ending.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.
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