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Old 09-01-2006, 03:39 PM   #1
One Radical Dude
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Default Foster's Soundtrack

As you play BFAHP, you collect different tunes from winning at the games in the arcade room. Can you name where you've heard these from?

Foster's Theme - Duh!!
Imaginary Ragtime - ???
Awesome Metal - I call it Terrence's theme music -- heard from the Pilot and Seeing Red.
Banjo-riffic - I don't know.
Imaginary Tango - Again, I can't remember.
Dreaming Drums - Could it be that rain dance song Bloo did?

EDIT: I forgot to complete the title as "Foster's Soundtrack"

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Last edited by One Radical Dude; 09-01-2006 at 03:42 PM.
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