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Old 03-23-2007, 10:58 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by jekylljuice View Post
I agree with that. I'm currently trying to work out what uncharacteristic Wilt quote could be taken out of context. Of course, I'm so desperate for a Wilt shirt that I'd probably buy one no matter what it said...well, a girl can dream.
Given that most of the shoppers I see in every Hot Topic I've ever been in, or walked past, are girls in their teens and early twenties, HT is REALLY missing out on a cash bonanza by not carrying any Wilt merchandise! That scene from "T-Rexatron, Alien Wolf III: A Prequel In Time", with Wilt running through the flames, against a black background, with that line, "Where chaos reigns like cats and dogs in a hailstorm of PASSION" would be perfect for HT!

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