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Old 03-22-2007, 10:29 PM   #9
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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I don't talk out loud if I'm alone. I won't even laugh aloud at the TV no matter how funny it is if I'm alone, just because it feels weird to vocallise when there's no one else in the room. If the bird is with me, I talk constantly, but its to her. Birds constantly vocallise to eachother so they know where everyone is, so I do that with her.

My brother on the other hand has no qualms about talking/laughing to/at the TV/computer when alone. Plus he usually wears headphones so I'll be sitting somewhere in the apartment, everything is quiet, and all of a sudden he starts cackling in his room. It always freaks me out.

But anyways I'm super-reserved when I'm alone. I'd like to say I do wild and wacky spontaneous things, but I just don't. I'm so disappointed in myself.
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