Originally Posted by Fabulous_Frankie
- People who leave time on the microwave.
We kind of have to at our house because the microwave is... for lack of a better word, "weird", and if you don't leave time on it, it'll go CRAZY in the middle of the night and wake everyone up with "BEEEEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBE-BE-BE-BEE-BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!"
Originally Posted by Cassini90125
All the other Spam threads, too. I'll be needing therapy eventually. 
I'm surprised you've lasted
this long! I'd go insane if I had to read evvvv-errrry-thinnnng, especially the "OMGWTFBBQ I'M BORED!!! LOLOL!!!!!1111oneoneone" threads...
Originally Posted by Partymember
i just had flashbacks...(shudders)
It's terrible, no?

So I'm not the only one scarred by it!