I liked the old seven... plus, I don't want to have to memorize another seven!!! Wahh!
Though, I'd not pick the Statue of Liberty, not because of what it stands for, but structurally it's not that fantastic. I mean, think of the Colossus of Rhodes - that's considered a "wonder", but they also built it (if I'm not mistaken) hundreds of years before the Statue of Liberty, using entirely different building methods. Anymore, even such a large structure is quite commonplace, especially whenever it wasn't built using dirt mounds and an entire lack of semi-modern machinery.
I dunno... it seems to me like a "wonder" should be something that seems to defy the laws of physics or human capacity during its creation/existence. Thus, I'd vote for Stonehenge, because that was built using (if historians are correct) nothing but man power and simple machines.
Ultra-Intergalactic-Cybot G, Marina Liteyears. Her knife kick will punish you!

Last edited by scary_dream; 03-15-2007 at 10:08 PM.