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Old 02-28-2007, 06:02 PM   #329
Foster's Legend
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Okay, this happened yesterday, but it was still really funny. I was in health class with my friends, and we were watching a movie on the development of a baby inside the womb. There were hints toward, embarassing stuff, and I was cracking up at it 'cause I thought it was HILARIOUS; I turn to my friend Brian, and he's beet red! What's so funny about it is that he's usually the type of person to shrug off and ignore that kind of stuff, but it actually embarassed him this time. PRICELESS. I wish I had a photo!
And now, some of my favorite quotes!
SpongeBob: Oh, come on, Squidward. It could be worse!
Patrick: Yeah, you could be bald and have a big nose!
Eduardo: No, Senor Bloo! They es magic, not drive around in no car!
Bloo: Nope, he lost his magic; now he dresses like a lady, and the butterfly has legs and an afro.
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