Thread: Goo
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Old 02-25-2007, 07:19 PM   #153
The Best Character on the Show
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I agree with Nathander. Goo is just fine where she is, and does not by any means have to or need to become a central character. It wouldn't be smart for many reasons, one of the biggest being the show already has a wide cast of characters as we speak. The Foster's 5, Madame Foster, Herriman, Frankie etc.

Episodes are often dividing characters up and focusing on just one or two certain individuals, adding Goo to the mix would only increase the division, not to mention the fact that as we have all seen, just because your a main character doesn't mean you will be in every episode and be a big part of every plot.

Goo has certainly become a much more tolerable and enjoyable character since she was served humble pie in MBIN, despite the fact that episode still served as a vehicle for her ego. But what makes Goo less workable as a main character is her entire gimmick: her gabbing, that's basically what makes Goo unique.

The fact she dresses like a rodeo clown (and at times acts like one), makes it hard for me to see her as a main cast member. Her gabby mouth can't really function in every episode and I think she serves better for timely placed plot points rather then trying to stuff her into main cast mate slots every ep.

Goo is fine right where she is, and so is Cheese, I'm enjoying his absence considering that the episodes recently have not starred him and still entertained me a great deal. Even "Good Wilt Hunting" functioned just fine without Cheese or Goo, so like I said before, I think Goo is fine where she is.

I don't hate her and no one should take my words as flames either, I'm just saying that Goo is doing just fine where she is and I think she's better off here then having to be tossed into the main character mix.
I honestly believe this to be one of the few times I've agreed with you in entirety with what you have to say. Good show, sir!
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