Originally Posted by Vampyre
I've always considered Wilt to be terribly intelligent, even before Good Wilt Hunting, not because of the way he strings his words or anything, but because even thoguh it took me a while to take in the he was over the age of ten (yay slowness), he's always seemed to have A LOT of experience with just... stuff. He always seemed to know JUST what to say, and he has a limitless understanding of what's right and wrong, like in 'Adoptcalypse Now' when he finds Bloo in their room watching from the window after shoving all the friends back in the house, not onyl did Wilt tell the friend's to all go back outside, but he also showed a great understanding as to why Mac and Bloo were keeping the friend's inside. "Look, I KNOW you don't wanna lose your buddy's but, you're being really selfish OK?" To me that shows a pretty wise person (friend)
That's what I mean by having common sense. Wilt also possesses something infinately more valuable than mere knowledge, and that's
wisdom, and no, they are NOT the same thing! Wisdom can only come from experience, and by learning from the experiences of others, not from a book or college course. For someone who's not even as old as I am, I have to say that Wilt's wisdom amazes me. That's one of the reasons I always assumed he was much older, since it usually takes a person many decades to acquire what he knows.