Thread: Wilt
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Old 02-18-2007, 02:58 AM   #831
Smart Aleck
Woah! Look at that ZIT!... PSYCHE!  
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Black Country
Posts: 299

'Adapt or Die'... I think my Geography teacher used that term once in a lesson, something to do with Lemmings in the artic...

I've seen two picture's of Wilt re-learning how to tie his shoe laces. One was by PBL her self and the other was by another artist known as Princefala I beleive. Those two are two of my favourite pieces, they're awesome! I could just look at 'em both all day.

I remember once, I had a go at putting my shoes on with just one hand, my other arm tucked behind my back. Well I couldn't get my shoe on at all (Converse: They're cool and they're really comfortable, but just so AWKWARD to get on)... After a few minutes I gave up, regained my other arm, tugged the shoe lace out of my shoe and had a go at tying it around my wrist with one hand... It took me ages, but when I finally DID get it tyed, I wore round my wrist for the rest of the day (because I'm cool like that) XD
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