Other than stealing the tickets in FGTE, I don't resent Madame Foster that much. To me, her cutting the strings on those balloon friends was intended to follow the example set by Terrance eating the Pizza friend.
One other surprising thing about Madame Foster, was how she treated Cheese in the beginning of The Big Cheese:
(Cheese gets thrown outside)
Coco: Coco coco co!
Madame Foster: What she said!
Again, I can't believe she would talk that way to Cheese like that, unless it all goes down to the obvious fact Cheese isn't a resident at Foster's. I would have thought she would have let Cheese stay and phone Louise's family and tell them something along the lines of this: "Cheese has been hanging around our house a lot lately. For now, he's here unless you call me back to say that you don't want to give him up."
One other thing: I wonder what Madame Foster would have said/done if she was in Phone Home at the time Bloo brought the man in the cell phone suit back to her house.
Last edited by Cell_Phone_guy; 02-09-2007 at 07:18 AM.