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Old 08-29-2006, 03:16 PM   #43
Mac's World in Bloo
"What are YOU lookin' at?"  
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Originally Posted by kageri View Post


*restrains self from adding to already-floor-length list of fanart ideas*


....Yeah, I'm glad I'm not in too much of a minority in the "UNFEELING JERKS ARE REALLY COOL!" mindset. Granted, Bloo is far nicer than some of my other favorite characters, but he's still.... well.... Bloo.

But it's his lovability under it that is a true testament to the talent of the writers.

.....*hand wanders off to find a pencil*

OMG I would so love you if you made a picture of that.'s nice to see those rare moments of the one Craig drew of Mac and Bloo just lying there on the grass, observing the clouds.
But to see Bloo keeping Mac warm in the cold house, partly because it's his friend and partly because his blanket instincts are kicking in?!
Oh, I'd be in heaven.
*Let your imagination run wild...*
That's MY Bloo, MINE!!

(Avatar piccy belongs to "sperg" of deviantart, sig piccy to "jameson".)
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