ok, here we go.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE analyzing the everloving CRAP out of shows/movies/whatever, and Foster's is no exception. I have thought extensively about what life must be like for your everyday ordinary friend, and have come up with a slew of questions that I want some opinions on.
Upon reading the forum archives, it seems a few of these questions have come up before, but weren't really gone into detail for.
Here we go!!
1. The big one: How are they created?
This is NEVER explained. The wacky guy in "My so-called wife" hit it right on the head: if they're IMAGINARY friends, why aren't they invisible? (and why are all the invisible friends so RUDE?

) What is so different about the brains and imaginations of the children and teenagers in the Foster's universe that allows the creation of such friends??
2. Can adults create friends?
Most people will automatically say no, it's strictly for children and the occasional teenager. But Harvey was mentioned in one of the episodes. He was CLEARLY the "creation" of a fully grown man. And if adults CAN make friends, would they really love them? Or would they selfishly make friends only for chores and nothing else?
and on that note....
3. Do the Handy friends know what love is?
Does it bother them that they were made just for one purpose? Like Scissors, or Poindexter, or Handy, or the Mop and the Bucket, or Camera from "One wrong Movie"? It's pretty obvious that the kids who made them didn't care for them outside of their usefulness, with the major exception of WILT. His kid adored him, but he's not a "true" Handy friend.
4. What makes a "true" handy/protector/mischief/whatever friend? and what are all the types?
There seem to be some clear, defined classifications of friends, and then there are those that cross over into different categories. For example: take Bendy and Bloo. Both love causing chaos, but Bloo is not a true mischief friend because he has so many other sides to him, as opposed to Bendy.
5. Can friends marry each other/can they marry humans?
This is another big one, and the eternal burden of the Frankie/Wilt shippers. It's hinted that friends can, indeed, marry, but we never see any real examples of any kind of marital relationship with ANYONE in the show, so it's up in the air. It's clear that friends can have crushes on humans, and each other, so the ability to love and be loved in return is there. But is marriage legal for friends?
Possibly the biggest question I have thought about, and the one that intruiges me the most. It became clear that friends do NOT disappear if their child dies, as evidenced in "Imposter's home for make-
em-up pals", but what if the kid forgets about the friend altogether? Would they live on? Possibly. And can friends die? someone once said that you can't kill a good idea, and that's what friends are technically, but they're "human" enough to experience pain and sorrow, so can they die?
7. Do you like cereal?
That should be enough for now. Start debating people!! Share your thoughts and ideas, and questions of your own!!