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Old 02-04-2007, 11:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by BlooCheese View Post
And that thing about "A bust this large needs ample support"--a young kid normally wouldn't get the hidden sexual reference, unless he's been exposed to vast amounts of cartoons with that sort of stuff, and if so, then golly. Better stop worrying about a perfectly good cartoon and re-evaluate what you expose your kid to, hmmm?
I don't get why people get into a tizzy over sexual references. It's really, really simple -- if they get it, they already know what it means, and that's not the creators' problem. If they don't, it won't hurt them. It's not rocket science. Besides, most cartoons have them.

Yeah -- the characters in Foster's are rambunctious and get angry, while the characters in Ed, Edd n Eddy scam people, call each other "loser", beat each other up, run around with no parents in sight, and um... have green and blue tongues. And EEnE is better. I don't know about you guys, but that makes sense to me, because scamming and name-calling goes on in real life, but people never get angry. Also, it's better to not let your kid watch a cartoon just in case they think imaginary friends are real rather than, you know, explain that they aren't. Hooray for letting the TV babysit your children!
"(NOTE: these companies are from the country that makes the best video games: JAPAN!)"
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