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Old 02-04-2007, 06:31 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by holtkf View Post
I'm having a hard time with the scribbles game... Those darn metal creatures are hard to stay away form and the playing area is funny... oh well
I found the creatures to be predictable in theire actions. that means two things, if you try the same path to clear the board you will proboly fail to clear the board, and it also means that once you find a way around that board it should work all the time.

THe hardest thing about this board is it is hard to get power ups, if you see the Heart it gives a free life, if you see the Ruby get it since it will give 100 pts.

Take your time, and dodge the bad guy, If you cannot get all the scribles before getting to the door, thats OK, just stay alive, drop off the scribles then get the rest of them.

You do not get points for knocking out the bad guy so donot waste time playing with the bad guy unless you need. ALways get the object and have it prepared to throw at the bad guy.

Good luck if you have more questions try to be more specific as to the problem you are having

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