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Old 08-29-2006, 04:00 AM   #17
Razzamatazztic Tap Dancer
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Originally Posted by ch3353-h4xx0rrrr View Post
Of course, now when we make a comment it'll be awkward because the author is here.
Hey, I've been here a while (although, Dude13 should get all the credit, because in my opinion, he is the better writer out of the two of us)...

Originally Posted by Dude13 View Post

Ack, so I guess I have another kink that needs to be worked out. To be honest, this issue I seem to be having with Mac?s character flew completely under my radar. Yeah, I know that he tends to act more mature and intelligent than many of the older characters in the show, which is one of the major aspects of his character in particular. But then again, he is still just an eight-year-old, and so I thought then that he had the right to act like he was only eight from time to time, meaning he?ll get upset, he needs comfort and reassurance every now and then, etc. But now I?m guessing I went too far with that idea, and I now I must make sure I don?t make a similar error in future stories.

I?ll see what I can do!

Just kidding around. Hey, don't be so hard on yourself... Every writer has something they have to work out. Mine is, as everyone tells me, "telling but not showing".

Mac's character just happens to be yours, and as I keep telling you, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

-Marty (who only keeps pretending to be mad to get everyone's goat, to clarify)
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