I honestly think this happens to be one of Foster's biggest flaws, they fail to bring back characters they introduce in older episodes, and just end up flaunting Cheese and Goo because of their popularity. Yes they are great characters, BUT, I think there's alot more who I'd like to see more of.
Berry definitely, she was a very unique character and a funny one and a villain, something Foster's doesn't make often but with Berry, they made a fine one. I'd also like to see Chris the pizza kid come back, he was funny the last time we saw him. And Adam and Dylan could make for a great Frankie episode.
I think those two stuck with her for a while would be a great episode for her, maybe a bit hellish for Frankie, but I think she'd rather have them following her then Goofball. Red however I think DESERVES the most need for a come back. He is fundamentally an ideally placed character, he's Bloo's anti hero guy.
Made by Terrance, who is a foil for Mac and Red is a foil for Bloo. I honestly think he had a great character standing with his whole connection to Bloo and Mac and despite the fact he's got the IQ of sawdust, would really like to see him again, him and Berry for sure.