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Old 08-28-2006, 07:43 PM   #16
Settling In
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 85

To be honest, it?s just a bit of an odd situation to be in whenever I write. On one hand, I?d rather stay as true to the show as I can when I write, meaning I avoid giving the characters complete personality transformations (emo/goth Mac, to use a particularly infamous one in example) and I try and keep their true nature intact. But then again, whenever I create a new piece, I always have the particular plot to consider too, so there will be some changes.

And of course, I?m no professional storyboard writer. I write simply because I enjoy writing, I never work with the exact mindset of creating a work that I can sell of as an actual episode of Foster?s. Whenever I work on a new story, I just look for an idea I can have a good time writing about, and thus of course with this in mind, I?m not exactly going to create something that?s one hundred percent loyal to the show. While I try and avoid tremendous changes in any of the characters? natures, there?s going to be some inevitable differences to be dealt with. That?ll probably explain some of my more outrageous and over-the-top stories ? they were bizarre, undoubtedly, but I had a blast transforming those ideas from mere scribbled notes in a shabby notepad to full-blown fanfics.

That?s basically more or less what I have to work with, it?s a very weird conflict. I try and keep everyone true to the actual cartoon, yet also I have the dream of bringing my particular plot ideas to life and trying to enjoy actually writing them as much as I can. Of course, I can?t have every character in my stories be absolutely perfect and process while turning every fanfic idea into the full-fledged story I hope to create. Inevitably, the two ideals clash, and thus I end up getting some problems in my stories that need to be dealt with. To be short, it?s a very imperfect system I use, and my apologies for the long, rambling explanation.

But nevertheless, at least I can get feedback in case I?m really going overboard anywhere in particular so I can try and fix whatever those issues happen to be. The more honest and sincere that feedback is, the better.

Ack, so I guess I have another kink that needs to be worked out. To be honest, this issue I seem to be having with Mac?s character flew completely under my radar. Yeah, I know that he tends to act more mature and intelligent than many of the older characters in the show, which is one of the major aspects of his character in particular. But then again, he is still just an eight-year-old, and so I thought then that he had the right to act like he was only eight from time to time, meaning he?ll get upset, he needs comfort and reassurance every now and then, etc. But now I?m guessing I went too far with that idea, and I now I must make sure I don?t make a similar error in future stories.

I?ll se what I can do!
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