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Old 01-29-2007, 03:16 PM   #235
some guy you dont know
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Originally Posted by rukift View Post
So you're saying for the American version they did their own fight scenes eventually? if true, I had no idea, I thought they still just copied and pasted from the original for the whole time. Staying true to the topic title, that's something that ticks me off... when companies make a new show from an old one. Dubbing is cool, but that's just... eww.

Same here man, same here. I still catch glimpses of it between digimon.... why those two shows are still on tv is really beyond me.
no i think the only things that were not new for the US version were the fight scenes.

theryre still on because they are super special awsome

anyhoo, back on topic. im severly annoyed by how so many episode ideas are constantly re-used by every, EVERY, tv show out there. it annoys me so much i shall not even elaborate any much more on it
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