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Old 01-28-2007, 04:14 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Jabberwocky View Post
Kuzco changed!
Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
Also, didn't Captain Gantu turn good in the final Lilo & Stitch film?
Yes and yes! Which is why I fail to grasp why some people cannot fathom a "baddie" becoming good. Iago was a particularly nasty foe who *I* never thought would ever change, and look at him now. He's still a bit of a coward, greedy, and even selfish, but he managed to put his own interests aside and almost sacrificed himself to help the very people who doubted him and were willing to turn their backs on.

I agree on many of the grisly villain deaths in Disney movie history. I know it's just for entertainment value (though I fail to find anything entertaining about death, to be honest), but I find it kind of macabre to dispose of every villain by killing them off in the most violent, bloodiest way. It's become such a trend now that people get surprised when a bad guy isn't killed off, whether they've been particularly nasty or not. If they're bad, they're supposed to die because that's just the way it's been for as long as television and entertainment have been around, right? We didn't need Disney to introduce us to the very fine line that defines "good" and "bad". Unfortunately, having been spoon-fed this ideal for most of our lives is what keeps some individuals thinking that redemption is a long ways from anyone who's ever crossed that fine line. It's strictly black and white with no in- between, and I hate it.

Last edited by DoubleLatte; 01-28-2007 at 04:16 PM.
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