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Old 08-28-2006, 02:58 PM   #12
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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It's no biggie if you suggested romance or not, the fact is that this is purely a fantasy and a typical "what if" question that's harmless. There's nothing wrong with saying anything involving romance with fictional characters because it's hurting no one.

Other characters I would love to meet would include Bloo, because you just know something funny would happen to him or someone else while he's around, and Eduardo. Eduardo is an odd guy. Sometimes he seems as gentle as a care bear, other times he proves he can be funny and down right crazy too.

Like his obsession with potatos, his photograph deal at Mac's house, his WEIRD obsession with the matress in "Bus the two of us", and one of my favorite lines from "Neighbor pains".

Eduardo: Uno momento. WILT, can you come back here, I don't like talking to this guy!

I don't know why but that just made me laugh.
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