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Old 01-27-2007, 11:38 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I'm not going to go too deep into this whole Randall situation since I got skid marks from the last time I delved too deep into this. But I never and I do mean NEVER found him to be the type to be good or change his ways and all that kind of stuff.

Randall was a villain and at times, I found him to be a more villainous villain then even the head bad guy, Waternoose. I don't think he's a nice guy and I don't think he would change his ways, I also REALLY doubt that he survived his little bayou encounter.

The odds of those people throwing a man sized monster after slamming it's head in a few times back into the closet from where it came from is unlikely. Realistically, if I were them I'd kill it if something like that came out of my closet. No offense to Randall's army of fans but like I said, being realistic.
While you are entitled to your own opinion, however much I utterly, absolutely and ENTIRELY disagree with just about everything about it (you'd have the entire army of Randall fans willing to challenge it, anyway), I agree with that one thing you said about him not being able to survive after his encounter with that human. That woman didn't seem as though she was going to let up anytime soon, unless Randall played dead for the sake of getting her to stop. Anyway, plenty of "villanous villains" have changed their ways before, Iago being one example that comes to my mind right away, and he wasn't even half as reliable as Randall since Iago wishy-washed from side to side once Jafar came back into the picture. In the end though, he proved everyone who was doubtful of him wrong, saving Aladdin's arse and almost dying for it. Who's to say that it is completely impossible for someone like Randall to change?
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